welcome to my personal soup zone

navigate the broth


our petz


aka: payaso, pie, peepee

breed: manx / shrimp

personality: selective, sweet & sour, likes to smell birds

field notes: this is a cat that loves who she loves, sorta likes who she likes, and ignores everyone else. she'd really like it if you took her outside in your arms for a few minutes.


aka: bobo, chorpizo, bibby

breed: great dane / doberman / great pyr

personality: sweetheart, anxious, would love a nap right about now

field notes: this is a dog that had a rough start in life and it really impacted his perception of humans. chorizo is a member of the reactive dog club and is working to slowly let humans into his zone of perception withour ruining his whole day. if you can accept that and are one of six people he loves/tolerates, then he's the sweetest peach in town.


aka: willy, squilly, skeebo

breed: cat

personality: slinky, hungry, meow

field notes: this cat possesses eyes that posses. he's always yowling for a meal and head bumps, which makes him the most outwardly affectionate critter in the house. he technically belongs to nathan.


this is a zone for little notes and stuff



I started this new page! I'm trying to figure out a new layout with columns because I want to deck this website out with more personal content. The website for our wedding is nice, but feels kind of stale now that I learned more about html and css, so here's to a different direction. I want to populate this one with our family recipes, some photography, doodles, and ideas.

See ya around I suppose.